
pay through the nose أمثلة على


  1. This is why doctors pay through the nose for malpractice insurance.
    لهذا يدفع الأطباء تأميناً للأخطاء العلاجية
  2. And they will pay through the nose to get it.
    وهم سيدفعون الكثير من اجل ذلك
  3. If Madigan was willing to pay through the nose to cover up Sam's death...
    ان كان مادغن مستعد لدفع الكثير
  4. In fact, they'll pay through the nose for it.
    في الحقيقة ، سيدفعون رغم أنفهم
  5. In fact, they'll pay through the nose for it.
    في الحقيقة ، سيدفعون رغم أنفهم.
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